Let your client see, feel and discover for themselves how things can be done differently!
The Bepper Balance Method is a method that allows your client to see, feel and discover for himself how things can be done differently. New overview and insight are obtained by working according to a step-by-step plan and with physical tools.
If you are trained and work as a coach and/or you professionally guide people towards change and improvement, you can learn and apply the Bepper Balance Method.

If your cliënt:
- Not saying much or not being able to express himself properly
- Not getting his feelings across
- Has lost his overview
- Does not know where to start
- Cannot make a choice
- Knows a lot, talks a lot, but discovers little
- Does not feel like an owner
Then learn to work with the Bepper Balance Method. You and your client can get to the heart of the matter quickly and easily, making your approach more effective and allowing you to use your time more efficiently.
- Fast to the core
- Tangible and visual
- Honest and accessible
- Safe and de-escalating
- Effective and pleasant for both client and coach
Because of the tangible implementation and the visual character of the tools used, head, heart and stomach (the conscious and subconscious) work together and an honest picture of the inner experience becomes visible.
This leads to overview, insight and realistic steps for improvement.
Because this is visible to both the professional and the client, the professional can ask more specific questions and the client can discover their own new insights and better see for themselves what possibilities for improvement there are.